The information on our website is based on our own visits and on information given to us by our suppliers and has been checked to ensure that it is accurate at the time of publishing.

The prices on our website were correct at the time of publishing. Prices may change before you book, in which case we will tell you before we accept your booking.

Where we have been notified of a change, we will advise you before we accept your booking or if after as soon as possible before departure.

The availability of some facilities and amenities including restaurants, watersports and kids’ clubs may be affected by local conditions, such as inclement weather, public holidays or low occupancy.


Please ensure that you have read and understood the conditions of the special offers applicable to your holiday. Some may require additional payments to be made locally direct to the property or may involve room upgrades/early checkin/late check-out that cannot be confirmed until your arrival. Special offers can be withdrawn or amended at any time.


Your travel documents will be emailed to the contact details shown on your booking.


A Tourist Tax is payable by visitors to Cape Verde. The tax applies to all visitors staying in hotels, apartments, villas, and bed & breakfast establishments, etc. The tax is €2.50 (CVE 276) per person, per night for up to 10 nights to a maximum of €25 for each guest. Visitors under the age of 16 are exempt. It is therefore recommended that you retain sufficient local currency to meet such charges.


It is your responsibility to arrive on time for flights, cruises, and all reservations and to reconfirm your arrangements (if required), as well as meeting all local government requirements for travel.

You must behave in a reasonable and responsible manner to other people that you meet during your travel arrangements.

We reserve the right to cancel forthwith any holiday arrangements in the event of unruly behaviour towards our suppliers or their agents. You will be liable in full for cancellation charges and the costs of purchasing a replacement travel arrangement in this circumstance.


It is strongly recommended that adequate travel insurance cover is activated at the point of confirming your booking. Travel insurance is not included in your booking with The Lagoon and it is your responsibility to ensure you have adequate cover before travelling.


Please ensure that you are fully aware of all passport and visa requirements and that you allow adequate time to obtain them. We recommend that you travel with a passport that has a minimum validity of 6 months remaining at all times. This is an immigration requirement for many countries and airlines. Please check with our visa service if you will not have the recommended validity whilst travelling. Please also ensure there are sufficient blank pages to allow for any visas which may need to be obtained enroute. Passports should be Machine Readable for travel to/via many countries. If you intend visiting or transiting through other countries, please ensure you are fully aware of all relevant visa and passport requirements. If your passport is in its final year, you should check with the Embassy or country you are visiting. For further information visit the UK Government Passports Page.


You are responsible for making yourself aware of Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) advice regarding the safety of the countries and areas in which you will be travelling and to make your decisions accordingly. For the latest travel advice including security and local laws and customs you’re advised to visit We advise to check regularly as the advice is updated frequently.


If any member of your party has any personal or medical condition or disability which may affect your booking, please advise before you make your booking so that we can try to confirm suitability of your chosen arrangements.


Health facilities, hygiene and disease risks vary worldwide, you should obtain health advice on your specific needs as early as possible. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have fully complied with all health and immunisation requirements of the countries you may be visiting. Information can be found at Travel Health Pro.


The prices shown on our website are generally based on the lowest room/stateroom category for each of the property that we feature unless otherwise specified in the pricing.


Prices shown on our website are for double/twin occupancy of a room. The configuration may be one or two double beds or in the case of a twin room generally one double and a rollaway/sofa bed or two single beds. Where prices are shown for children, this is on the basis that children will be sharing the adult room in existing beds or may involve the use of an additional rollaway or sofa bed, unless otherwise specified. Where 3 or 4 adults are permitted to share a room, pricing is available on request but will be on the basis of using the existing bed.


If you have a specific request please notify us at the time you make your reservation. We will forward your request to the Principal but please note that these requests cannot be guaranteed and remain subject to availability at checkin. The fact that a special request has been noted on your confirmation itinerary or any other documentation or that it has been passed on to the supplier is not confirmation that the request will be met. Failure to meet any special request will not be a breach of contract on our part unless the request has been specifically confirmed by us. We do not accept bookings that are conditional upon any special request being met.


Check-in/out times for rooms vary from property to property and you should check exact times with your consultant. Rooms will not usually be available before mid-afternoon (3-4pm) and you will be required to vacate your room from mid-morning (11am-12pm).


If you have made a prepayment, you must pay the full balance by the balance due date notified to you. If full payment is not received by the balance due date, we may cancel your booking and charge you a cancellation fee.


Non-refundable booking policy

In the event you need to cancel your stay you will need to provide, in writing at least 24 hours before your check in date notification to us to You will then be offered the option to reschedule for a later date at a fee of €30 per person. Notice given after 24 hours before check-in, or in the event of a “no show”, the full amount will be charged. In such circumstances you will not be offered the option to reschedule.

Flexible cancelation policy

In the event you need to cancel your stay you will need to provide, in writing at least 24 hours before your check in date, notification to us to You will then be offered a full refund or the option to reschedule your stay at no extra charge. Notice given after 24 hours before check-in, or in the event of a “no show”, the full amount will be charged. In such circumstances you will not be offered the option to reschedule or be offered a refund.


Whilst we make every effort to ensure that your holiday runs smoothly, there may be occasions when things do not go as planned. The Lagoon will not hold themselves responsible for the non-performance of an itinerary through causes beyond their control or when they are not notified of a problem at the point when remedial action can be taken.

(a) If you have a complaint or problem, you must inform the local representative of the Principal immediately, to ensure that they have the opportunity to put things right.

(b) If your complaint or problem has not been resolved to your complete satisfaction, please either call or send an email to so that we are given the opportunity to assist you to make contact with the Principal.

(c) If you fail to follow either of these procedures, your right to compensation may be affected, as the Principal will have been deprived of the opportunity to rectify the problem.

(d) If you still have cause for complaint on your return to the UK you should write to the Principal within 28 days giving your booking reference number and outlining in full the reason for your complaint or dissatisfaction.


The Lagoon takes the collection, processing and management of customer data very seriously. The company strives to be fully GDPR compliant, and we routinely review our data management policies. We have measures in place to protect the personal booking information held by us and passed on to the relevant suppliers of your travel arrangements. These may include public authorities such as customs and immigration along with security or credit card services. If you travel outside the European Economic Area (EEA), controls on data protection may not be as strong as those within the EEA. Unless required to do so by law, we will only pass on your information to persons responsible for your travel arrangements, which may include sensitive information such as details of disabilities, dietary or religious requirements. When making a booking you are consenting to the relevant information being passed on as above.

If you have any additional queries or concerns, you may contact our Data Protection Officer details below:

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